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Eco-Processing Film Workshop (Registration Full!)
11:00 AM11:00

Eco-Processing Film Workshop (Registration Full!)

This workshop will explore alternative (eco/kitchen-sink) processing techniques on black and white film. There are a variety of recipes that yield excellent results. Film developing is never completely environmentally friendly, but you can minimize the risk to yourself and the environment significantly by processing your film with the recipes that we will teach in this class. We will teach both negative and reversal processing with chemicals easily accessible to the average person. 

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Optical Printer Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Optical Printer Workshop

Join AgX member Stefan Grabowski and take a deep dive into the use of the JK Optical Printer to create special effects on 16mm film. Workshop will include topics on basic operation, exposure tests, blowing up super 8mm to 16mm, and simple effects like slow-motion, fast motion, backward motion, optical zooms, and bi-packing.

Members only workshop

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16mm Hand Processing
12:00 PM12:00

16mm Hand Processing

This members-only skillshare led by Kathryn Ramey will cover different methods of hand processing 16mm film: Lomo tank, Morse tank, or bucket (jam-it-in-the-can) method. Participants will practice loading 100ft of film into the Lomo tank under daylight using a dummy roll, before loading their exposed film in darkness within the darkroom. Each participant will get hands-on instruction developing Tri-X Reversal film using pre-mixed chemistry.

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Joy of Contact Printing
3:00 PM15:00

Joy of Contact Printing

This members-only skillshare will explore different approaches to experimenting with contact printing, particularly a self-taught process for contact printing using a light table, as well as a method using a flashlight with or without a sync block. We’ll discuss processes for combining these exposures with in-camera exposures. We’ll also discus layering, “bracketing,” working with sound exposures, and combining contact printing with in-camera exposures.

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The Joy of Contact Printing
3:00 PM15:00

The Joy of Contact Printing

This skillshare will explore different approaches to experimenting with contact printing, particularly a self-taught process for contact printing using a light table, as well as a method using a flashlight with or without a sync block. We’ll discus layering, “bracketing,” working with sound exposures, and combining contact printing with in-camera exposures.

Open to Agx members only. Limited to 7 participants.

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Cameraless Filmmaking: Photograms & Ray-o-grams
12:00 PM12:00

Cameraless Filmmaking: Photograms & Ray-o-grams

This workshop requires no previous experience with film. We won’t be using cameras, so there aren’t any machines to learn or any lenses to focus. We’ll first work with unexposed film with the lights on using developer and fixer to paint on the film and create abstract positive and negative film loops.

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